Workshop Creative Commune #3 in Portugal – Three Revolutions

The aim of the workshop in Portugal Our workshop was based on a series of lectures on the themes of theatre and justice:The performance-trial as a symbolic act of citizenship; The representation of post-war trials in documentary theatre, etc. It also drew on the methods of the Theatre of the Oppressed theorized by Augusto Boal in staging plays for actors and non-actors. The central theme of the Berlin workshop was

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Workshop in Berlin #4 for the method of citizens’ tribunals

Workshop in Berlin #4 for the method of citizens’ tribunals

The aim of the workshop in Berlin Our workshop was based on a series of lectures on the themes of theatre and justice:The performance-trial as a symbolic act of citizenship; The representation of post-war trials in documentary theatre, etc. It also drew on the methods of the Theatre of the Oppressed theorized by Augusto Boal in staging plays for actors and non-actors. The central theme of the Berlin workshop was

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Workshop Creative Commune #2 in Italy – Citizen of the world

The aim of the workshop in Italy Our workshop was based on a series of lectures on the themes of theatre and justice:The performance-trial as a symbolic act of citizenship; The representation of post-war trials in documentary theatre, etc. It also drew on the methods of the Theatre of the Oppressed theorized by Augusto Boal in staging plays for actors and non-actors. The central theme of the Berlin workshop was

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Workshop Creative Commune #1 – Commune de Paris

Workshop Creative Commune #1 – Commune de Paris

The first Creative Commune workshop took place in mid-June at the Museum of Living History in Montreuil. The Transplanisphere brought together all the partners – Compagnie Dies Irae (FR), Association pour l’histoire vivante (FR), CT Cergy Paris Université (FR), ExQuorum (PT), Cofac Cooperativa de Formacao e Animacao Cultural CRL (PT), Teatro Rigodon (IT), Comune di Rocca Sinibalda (IT), Kulturinitiative Förderband (ALL) –  around the theme of the common. By coming

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